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As a client, you are entitled to a number of rights to ensure you are treated fairly.

Along with these rights, you also have a number of responsibilities to ensure the wellbeing of others and the appropriate use of the services and resources ISSofBC offers.

You can read these rights and responsibilities below, as well as the terms for a denial of services and our client complaints process.

Denial of Services 

ISSofBC has a zero-tolerance policy on violence, including aggressive behaviours, gestures or communications. 

If you are unable to meet the responsibilities outlined above, you may be denied further services.  

Any client who is denied services will be informed in writing, including if it is possible to regain service at a later date. 

Personal Information Storage 

ISSofBC acts in accordance with PIPA and FOIPPA.  All personal information is stored in password protected servers based in Canada. Should you have any concerns about your personal information, please raise them with ISSofBC staff using the steps outlined above.  If you are not satisfied, you may seek additional support from the Office of the Information and Privacy Commissioner for British Columbia (OIPC).  

Client Complaint Policy 

This policy governs complaints from ISSofBC clients respecting any aspect of its operations. Clients will not be subject to any form of retaliation as a result of filing a complaint. 

If you have a complaint about our staff or services, please send details via our Feedback Form

Definition of a Formal Complaint:

Any complaint that is received in writing (English or first language). If providing a written complaint is a barrier for a client, a verbal complaint transcribed by a staff member will be accepted. 

A first language ‘How Can We Serve You Better’ business card available in all offices and a link on the ISSofBC website will provide clients with Rights and Responsibilities, as well as the client complaint process. Please see below. 

Written client complaints received in first language will be translated by ISSofBC. 

Note that the complainant should be assisted by staff through all steps in the above process and may access and utilize an advocate of their choice to support them at any point. 

Client Complaint Process 

Step 1:  The designated staff person attempts to resolve the issue directly with you.  

Step 2:  If the issues is not resolved, it is escalated to the Manager or Associate Director. 

Step 3: If you are dissatisfied with the response and feels your concerns have not been satisfactorily resolved, the issue is forwarded to the appropriate Director. 

Step 4:  If you are still dissatisfied, the issue will be escalated to the Chief Executive Officer, or their designate either by phone or in writing. 

Step 5:  If concern cannot be addressed by ISSofBC, you may submit your concerns to the appropriate ISSofBC funder (e.g., IRCC, Province of BC, City of Vancouver).