
Bienvenida al Fiscal General de BC

Nos alegró mucho dar la bienvenida a Niki Sharma, Fiscal General de Columbia Británica, a nuestro Centro de Bienvenida de Victoria Drive el 27 de junio de 2023.

Ms Sharma visited the Immigration and Refugee Legal Clinic whose offices are located within our Welcome Centre. During her visit, Ms. Sharma met with Juliana Dalley and Darcy Golden, the two co-leads at the clinic, and discussed with them their ongoing work serving newcomers across the province.

The clinic is the first of its kind in the province. It provides a variety of legal assistance to at-risk and vulnerable immigrants and refugees as well as advocating for positive reform within Canada’s immigration policies.

The clinic was launched in 2020 through funding from the Law Foundation of BC.

Más allá de su práctica jurídica y su labor de defensa, la clínica también ofrece tutoría a abogados especializados en refugiados que están iniciando su carrera en derecho de refugiados e inmigración.

Más información sobre la clínica y su labor.

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