
ISSofBC opens newcomers’ service mall in Surrey

ISSofBC cut the ribbon yesterday at Welcome Centre – Surrey with a festive open house celebration that featured speeches, live performances, tours of the facility and a blessing from Kwantlen First Nations Elder Kevin Kelly.

The event officially opens ISSofBC’s second integrated services facility for newcomer immigrants and refugees, located at Surrey’s Guilford area, where it will address the settlement needs of a fast-growing immigrant population.

“The operations of ISSofBC Welcome Centre-Surrey is anchored on ISSofBC’s expertise in successfully serving newcomers, as well as on our partnerships with organizations with deeply-shared values,” said ISSofBC CEO Patricia Woroch. “We speak from experience when we say that this collaborative approach results in the best outcomes for our clients.”

ISSofBC Welcome Centre – Surrey on 10334 152A Street, offers newcomer residents streamlined access to care including settlement services, employment services, self-employment facilitation support, services for refugee claimants, primary health care, trauma counselling, services that support women and young children, connections to Francophone resources and activities, and banking support through ISSofBC and co-located partners.

Learn more about the centre

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