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Learn about Canada’s Private Sponsorship of Refugees (PSR) program.

Canada’s Private Sponsorship of Refugees Program – Information on different ways to sponsor refugees.

Refugee Sponsorship Training – Provides training and information on privately sponsoring refugees.

Sponsorship Agreement Holders (SAHs) – Learn about the role of SAH’s in private sponsorship and access the list of SAH’s in Canada.

Private Sponsorship of Refugees (PSR) program – Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

With the growing public interest in Canada’s privately sponsored refugee program, below are common questions you may have about sponsoring an Afghan refugee.

Q: Can I sponsor an Afghan refugee under the private sponsorship program?

A: To date, the Government of Canada has not announced information on opportunities to name and sponsor an Afghan refugee nor a specific target for privately sponsored refugees from Afghanistan. When information is announced, there are several ways that you can sponsor a named refugee including forming a group of 5 people and/or approaching one of Canada’s Sponsorship Agreement Holders (SAHs) – complete list here.

Q: How much does it cost to sponsor a refugee?

A: The sponsorship group must cover start-up and monthly living expenses (eg. food and shelter) for 12 months. The funds needed depend on the size of the family. As a rule, the funds needed reflect provincial income support rates – see rates here.

Q: How long does it take to sponsor a refugee?

A: Current processing time ranges from 18-24+ months after a sponsorship application has been received by the Government.

Q: Who is eligible to be considered under private sponsorship

A: A recognized (UNHCR) refugee must be outside their country of origin. Individuals who are internally displaced, still living in their country of origin, cannot be sponsor refugees.

Q: Does Canada have a limit on the number of private sponsorships each year?

A: There is an annual private sponsorship target of:

The three-year total is 67,000 by the end of 2023. This target falls within Canada’s humanitarian immigration category and three-year immigration levels plan. Additionally,  those groups directly involved in ongoing sponsorship work or Sponsorship Agreement Holders (SAHs), consisting of faith communities, settlement organizations, etc. must work within designated annual caps or limits set by the Government on the number of refugees they can sponsor each year.

Q: How many private sponsored refugees have been processed and awaiting resettlement to Canada?

A: There are currently over 65,000 privately sponsored refugees overseas that have been processed and awaiting resettlement to Canada.

You can also support our work in supporting refugees by donating to our Private Sponsorship Program that helps reunite refugee families here in Canada – Donate to ISSofBC