With 50 years of providing free language, career and settlement services to thew newcomer communities of BC, ISSofBC offers statistics, trends, observations, and reports on the newcomer experience.
Sustaining Welcome: Longitudinal Research on Integration with Resettled Syrian Refugees – In-depth analysis of changes in the physical, financial, mental and social well-being of resettled Syrian refugees living in British Columbia. Annual interviews done with over 200 refugees each year from 2017-2020 formed the basis of this research, providing unprecedented insights into refugee perspectives of their own integration and successes.
Needs Assessment – RAP Arrivals January 2019 to March 2020 – ISSofBC Resettlement Assistance program staff surveyed 949 Government Assisted Refugees arriving in the last 15 months in order to identify any outstanding needs, assess access to technology, explore which social media are used to keep in contact with friends and family, ascertain the extent to which households are familiar with different aspects of COVID-19 and public health response, and more.
Journeys to Integration – This report focuses on the integration experiences of government-assisted refugees (GARs) who settled in British Columbia between January 2007 and December 2016. After briefly summarizing the literature on the development of integration as a concept and previous studies undertaken in the Canadian context, we present the results of mixed-method fieldwork completed from January through September 2019.
Refugee Claimants in BC: Understanding Current Irregular Arrival Trends – A report that examines the profile and experiences of recent Refugee Claimants or asylum seekers to BC, how they are faring, and how findings affect future trends. The report was based on a first-language survey of over 300 Refugee Claimants awaiting their asylum hearings.
Syrian Refugee Operations to British Columbia: Taking Stock Two Years after Arrival – With the unprecedented arrival of Syrian Government Assisted Refugees (GARs) to BC, ISSofBC undertook a follow-up telephone survey to ascertain how Syrian refugees resettled to BC through Operation Syrian Refugee (OSR) between November 4, 2015 and February 28, 2016 are faring after two years in the province.
Refugee Claimants Statistical Highlights January- March 2018 – A report on statistics, trends and observations of new refugee claimant clients at ISSofBC Welcome Centre.
Leveraging Technology to Support Refugee Youth – A research and recommendations report prepared by SAP Canada Local Social Sabbatical Program on how to leverage technology securely and safely to provide additional support for refugee youth in East Africa and the Middle East coming to Canada.
Refugee Claimants Statistical Highlights 2013-2017 – A report on statistics, trends and observations of new refugee claimant clients at ISSofBC Welcome Centre.
A Roadmap to Integration for GARs destined outside Metro Vancouver – A report on the settlement experiences of 251 Syrian Government-Assisted Refugees who settled in five communities outside of Metro Vancouver in 2016.
Syrian Refugee Settlement Patterns in Metro Vancouver – A report on the over 3,600 Syrians refugees who settled in sixty-nine (69) different communities throughout BC between November 4, 2015 to December 31, 2016.
Refugee Claimants Statistical Highlights bulletin – Combined statistics, trends and observations on refugee claimants arriving in BC.
Refugee Claimants Flow Chart -The chart shows the process in a BC context of refugee claimants from the first 24 hours to 2 months and beyond.
Syrian Refugee Operation to British Columbia: One Year In – A Roadmap to Integration and Citizenship – With the unprecedented number of Syrian refugee arrivals to BC within the past year, ISSofBC took the opportunity to mark their first year in Canada by documenting their early settlement experiences and outcomes.
Syrian Refugee Youth Consultation – Close to 60 Syrian refugee youth got together to share experiences of their first 8 months in Canada and make recommendations on settlement needs in BC.
‘I’m the one who is looking after my family’: Refugee Youth – Research Report on Pre-Departure Orientation Programs for Refugee Youth – July
Moving Forward: ‘Unheard Voices’ – Report on the Immigrant Seniors Forum- March
Karen Refugees After Five Years in Canada – Readying Communities for Refugee Resettlement – July
Refugee Newcomers in Metro Vancouver– Government Assisted Refugee Settlement Patterns in Metro Vancouver – May
Refugee Newcomers in Surrey – Government Assisted Refugee Settlement Patterns in Surrey – April
We Are Here Now – Art & stories by child refugees in Surrey – March
‘From One Nation, One People’ to ‘Operation Swaagatem’ – Bhutanese Refugees in Coquitlam, BC – May
A New Start – Refugee Youth Pre-Departure Orientation Pilot Program Report – September
Changing Faces, Changing Neighbourhoods – Government Assisted Refugee Settlement Patterns in Metro Vancouver – December
Aceh-Malaysia-Vancouver – Settlement Among Acehnese Refugees Five Years On – November
Issues Affecting Government-Assisted Refugees in Canada – A Sector- Based Research Agenda – November
Gang Prevention for New Immigrant and Refugee Youth in B.C – A Community Consultation Paper – April
Refugee Mental Health – Promising Practices Guide – June
At Home in Surrey Home – The Housing Experiences of Refugees in Surrey, BC – June
What’s Next? Developing a Lifeline for Refugee Immigrant Teenagers in BC – Refugee Teenager Consultation Report – April
Faces of Refugees – Settlement Patterns in the Greater Vancouver Regional District – June
New Beginnings – Settlement Outcomes for Government Sponsored Refugees in BC – December
Afghan Map – Tri-Cities Newcomer Mapping Project