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Stories of Learning and Hope

Stories of hope and learning – Yasmin Khan

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In this month’s story of hope and learning we are highlighting the work of one of ISSofBC’s longest serving staff member, Yasmin Khan, who, when we spoke to her was a Career Strategist in our Career Paths for Skilled Immigrants program. She is now part of our Global Talent Loans team (congratulations Yasmin!!)

We sat down with Yasmin to ask her a few questions about what she most enjoys about her job, her career highlights and top tips for job seekers. We hope you enjoy!

What do you find most rewarding being a career strategist? 

“When I first meet with a client, I aim to establish a strong connection and approach the situation from a place of empathy and understanding. I also provide a personal approach by relating to clients through my own experiences in moving to Canada.  

While everyone’s circumstances are different, the feelings that come with moving to a new country, like excitement and uncertainty, are the same for everyone and I use that shared experience to engage with my clients and build trust.  

As a Career Strategist, the most rewarding part of my job is that at the end of each meeting with my client, I can bring a smile to their face. It gives me a great sense of satisfaction at the end of the day and makes me look forward to going to work the next day.”

What were your other work experiences at ISSofBC and/or other organizations?

“For the past 18 years at ISSofBC, I have worked in various employment programs as a Facilitator, Career Counsellor, Case Manager, Assistant Manager, and currently a Career Strategist, all within the Employment program.” 

Is there anyone that you would like to thank for helping you succeed in your work? 

“There’s no single person that I can pinpoint on my journey at ISSofBC because I have been so blessed to have amazing managers and colleagues on all the teams I have worked on in my 25 years with the organization.  

Some of these colleagues are still here today, and many have gone on different paths, but without their support and guidance, this journey would not have been the same.  

On the other hand, there is also the support outside of work from my family, who have always been there for me as I transitioned through all the different positions and programs I have had. A strong supportive team at home is equally as important as a strong supportive team at work.”

What are your favourite parts of your job?

“Beyond helping newcomers understand their true talent, and how it can be applied to the Canadian job market, one of my highlights is when a newcomer finally feels at home here. I feel I can relate to this as I am an immigrant myself.”

What do you do for fun?

“I enjoy taking long walks, I enjoy nature, and at every opportunity that I can get, I would like to be outdoors. I enjoy music, and like to tell myself that I can dance …but I can’t ????”

What is your top advice for job seekers?

“Believe in yourself, know yourself and what you want, apply even if you’re not fully qualified, and be confident.”


We hope you enjoyed getting to know Yasmin, and you can connect with her LinkedIn to keep up to date with her great work supporting refugees and immigrants find their careers here in British Columbia.