
ISSofBC’s statement on the crisis in Sudan

We offer our condolences to those impacted by the current tragic situation unfolding in Khartoum, Sudan. We are especially concerned for those who have been displaced by the violence and the growing humanitarian crisis in the country. We are proud that Canada continues to play a global leadership role in supporting victims of repression, persecution, and conflict. 

From January to March 2023, Sudan was the was the 3rd most common country of origin in terms of the number of Government Assisted Refugees (GARs) that we welcomed at Immigrant Services Society of BC (ISSofBC). 

“As an official immigrant and refugee resettlement agency for the Canadian government, we will work to plan for any new arrivals and be ready to support individuals and families when they land in BC,” says Jonathan Oldman, our CEO. 

As we continue to support newcomers from around the world on an ongoing basis, ISSofBC will also continue to advocate for the appropriate investment in a social capacity, including adequate affordable housing, to ensure newcomers and the communities in which they settle can thrive – today and in the future. 


Learn more about how we support refugees –

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