
A CLOSER LOOK takes dialogue out of echo chamber

Douglas Todd speaks at ISSofBC Welcome Centre for A CLOSER LOOK on the topic “Is Unity Possible in a Metropolis of Enclaves?”

A lively exchange between speaker and audience marked ISSofBC’s inaugural speaker series – A CLOSER LOOK –  September 26 at the ISSofBC Welcome Centre where Vancouver Sun columnist Douglas Todd spoke on the topic “Is Unity Possible in a Metropolis of Enclaves?”

The speaker series – offered at no cost to the public – was launched to provide a forum for open discussions on the topic of immigration. “This public education series is about getting us out of our own echo chamber to challenge our own work, and to create a safe space to have a valuable dialogue in this environment of heated social media and tribalism…to better understand the different aspects of immigration and its impact on our country,” said ISSofBC Settlement Director Chris Friesen in his opening remarks.

Todd’s talk – the first of three this fall – as well as the moderated discussion that followed, was also live-streamed to registered online participants. Kathy Sherrell, ISSofBC Settlement Associate Director, served as moderator.

A tour of the ISSofBC Welcome Centre was provided by Dorcas Mendez, ISSofBC volunteer and community connections worker, to neighbours living in close proximity to the Centre before the speaker’s presentation. “This was an opportunity for us to thank our neighbours for welcoming us and for their support in the three years we’ve been here,” said Patricia Woroch, ISSofBC CEO.

Two more “A CLOSER LOOK” speaker sessions have been lined up for October and November. For more information and to register, visit

View September 26 Recorded Livestream

View September 26 photos on ISSofBC Facebook

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