Sustaining Welcome webinar

Key implications for Canada’s refugee policies now and in the future.

Join our webinar to discuss of the ground-breaking, multi-year report, Sustaining Welcome.

The report brought together researchers and front-line workers to understand the early refugee settlement experiences of resettled Syrian refugees as they integrated into Canadian society.

Innovative in its approach, the authors contributed expertise from a range of disciplines, including psychology, social science, geography and epidemiology.

From 2017 to 2020, the authors interviewed 1,665 resettled Syrian former refugees across Canada each year, including 267 participants in BC who participated in all four years of the research. This longitudinal research allowed the authors to track changes among former Syrian refugees at the group and individual level over an extended period, revealing key group dynamics that would otherwise be missed in shorter studies.

Join the webinar on Wednesday November 15th (11.00am-12.30pm PST) that will feature a discussion of the report’s findings and recommendations with the lead authors from the report, including Michaela Hynie, Yolanda Weima and Jennifer Hyndman.

Kathy Sherrell, Director of Settlement Services at ISSofBC, will chair the event.

Findings and recommendations

The report’s authors tracked changes over time in the health, financial, physical, social and mental well-being of resettled Syrian refugees after their arrival in British Columbia following Operation Syrian Refugees in 2016. 

Ultimately, the research demonstrates integration in action on the part of Syrian refugee participants and Canadian society. The report further highlights the systemic systemic barriers refugees often face post-arrival and the inadequate trauma-informed support available to them, especially for women refugees who often endure greater isolation and fewer opportunities. 

If you would like to learn more about the report, its key findings and policy recommendations, it is available here.

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