ISSofBC’s Resettlement Assistance Program (RAP) is funded by the Government of Canada – Immigrant, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC). This program provides support for Government Assisted Refugees (GARs). This is the program Afghan refugees are arriving in Canada under.
RAP has two main components: income support and assistance for a range of immediate essential services. Immediate and essential services are delivered by ISSofBC in the Metro Vancouver region, generally within the first 4-6 weeks of a newcomer’s arrival in Canada. Activities include the following:
RAP Program Key Forms and Activities – This info-sheet provides a list of key forms and activities that happen within the first three weeks of the RAP program.
ISSofBC RAP Info-sheet – This info-sheet shows the timeline and key activities undertaken by ISSofBC’s Resettlement Assistance Program (RAP) that supports newcomer Government Assisted Refugees (GARs) within the first two weeks of arrival.