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ESL website helps students take a lead on learning

From online resource list hand-written on a whiteboard to multi-media digital learning experience, Janis’s ESL website has transitioned from humble classroom beginnings to an interactive and accessible online platform that’s utilized by both English as Second Language (ESL) students and teachers in Metro Vancouver, across Canada and around the world.

A new version of site launched last week is aimed at supporting self-directed learning for ISSofBC students enrolled in Language Instruction for Newcomers to Canada (LINC) which is a federal government-funded English language learning program for Permanent Resident visa holders.

The latest version of the site, which includes hundreds of language lessons and activities, features improved accessibility on most devices and is designed for much easier navigability for the end user.

“The site is really designed to motivate students to learn on their own and to develop the skills they need based on the goals they set,” said Janis Fair, ISSofBC Online and Technology Coordinator for LINC and creator of the website. “The new version is much easier for LINC students and teachers to navigate and there are now more interactive activities to choose from for added learning opportunities.”

Many of the lessons and activities for students include practical everyday scenarios such as introducing your family, grocery shopping and looking for a job to more timely related material such as navigating life during COVID-19. Lessons incorporate text, audio and video to help students build speaking, reading, writing and listening skills. The site also offers a wide range of additional resources for teachers to assist in lesson building based on the LINC curriculum.

Much of Janis’s ESL website content was produced by Janis herself and the ISSofBC LINC team over the last 20 years in four versions of the site as new program developments took place within the organization. Further expansion of the materials will include more Portfolio-Based Learning which provides teacher-led assessments as an alternative to standardized testing.

A portion of the new Janis’s ESL website remains password protected. For students and teachers interested to learn more about the site and gain access, check out the site’s contact page to get in touch with Janis.

Janis’s ESL