
ISSofBC Report – Syrian refugees destined outside Metro Vancouver

Did you know 251 Syrian Government-Assisted Refugees settled in five communities outside of Metro Vancouver in 2016?

Learn more about these individuals and their settlement experiences in our new report Syrian Government-Assisted Refugees (GARs) to British Columbia: A Roadmap to Integration for GARs destined outside Metro Vancouver.

The report was based on a telephone survey of 45 Syrian GAR heads of households representing over 250 individuals who arrived in BC between February and April 2016.

The heads of household who consented to the survey were interviewed on a range of settlement-related issues including English language and education/training, employment, housing, health and family well-being, and family reunification.

This report builds on the report Syrian Refugee Operations in BC: One Year In released in December 2016 that examined settlement outcomes for Syrian GARs a year after they arrived as part of the largest resettlement initiative in Canadian history.

Download a copy of the report.

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