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ISSofBC hosts citizenship ceremony for new Canadians

IMG_0966It’s an occasion 30 new Canadians will likely never forget when they took their oath of citizenship with two federal cabinet ministers in attendance.  ISSofBC Welcome Centre hosted the ceremony this morning for the citizenship candidates – most of them former refugees – from 16 countries who later received greetings from Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada Minister Ahmed Hussen and Defence Minister Harjit Singh Sajjan.

“Today’s ceremony is special as you will mark a personal milestone,” said Min. Hussen who administered the Oath of citizenship, “but today is also about celebrating a milestone for all of us.” Canada is celebrating its 150th anniversary this year. “One thing that binds us together is we’re all Canadians,” said Min. Sajjan. Both ministers came to Canada as youngsters, Hussen from Somalia, Sajjan from India.

Also present were Deputy Immigration Minister Marta Morgan, Elder Gail Sparrow of the Musqueam Band, Order of Canada Dr. Ross Paul, RCMP Constable James Bennett, and Clerk of the Ceremony Margaux Kaczor.

Children from ISSofBC’s LINC Preschool led the audience in a rousing rendition of “O Canada,” easily stealing the show.

View photos from the event