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ELSA students learn the ins and outs of politics from local MP


ISSofBC ELSA students learned what it’s like to be a Member of Parliament (MP) in Canada’s Federal Government thanks to guest speaker Libby Davies, MP for Vancouver East.

Davies shared stories about her busy day-to-day life on the job and her passion for community.

“The reason I became an MP is because I have always been interested and involved in my community,” she said to the group.

Students from ELSA 5/6/7 and Workplace English also had a chance to ask Davies questions about her life in politics and learn more about how Parliament functions.

Davies was first elected as the Member of Parliament for Vancouver East in 1997. She was re-elected in November 2000, June 2004, January 2006, October 2008, and most recently in May 2011.

A special thank you goes out to Libby Davies and the ISSofBC staff for setting up this informative event.

For more information about how Canada’s Federal Government functions check out Our Country, Our Parliament.

To see photos of Davies at ISSofBC click here.

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