
Childcare students dance and play after summer break

Old and new friends danced with ribbons, baked muffins, played with sand and had story time at ISSofBC’s Vancouver Childcare Centre during the first week back September 8-12 after the annual summer holiday.

The week started off quietly allowing children to re-engage with their friends and staff and to adjust to new faces.

“The older children were a great support system to both staff and the children experiencing gradual entry, offering lots of hugs and tissues. Planned activities were kept simple, allowing the children to explore/re-explore their environment, and to connect with old friends,” said Helen Hart, new Early Childhood Educator at Terminal.

She said by keeping the centre’s set up smaller the first week back allowed the children opportunities for choice, sharing thoughts and ideas on emerging interests, as well as allowing everyone to become familiar with routines. Staff were able to make observations and plan based on the children’s interest.

Staff also had lots of opportunities for spontaneous activities and the children had fun exploring the activity room with lots of dancing with ribbons, climbing and jumping.

“We made playdough, muffins, and the children spent time constructing with blocks. They also explored both water and sand, choosing the colour for the water table, and the tools for the sand box,” said Helen.

The centre currently has 32 children enrolled in the child care program at ISSofBC’s Terminal location. Childcare and Childminding services are also available at ISSofBC New Westminster, Richmond and Coquitlam.

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