
Anti-racism definitions to kickstart public engagement

Can you name 10 important words in anti-racism work? ISSofBC’s Anti-Racism Advisory Group can help with a mini-glossary released to celebrate the United Nations International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination today.

The “10 important words in anti-racism work” e-booklet highlights some of “the most commonly-used terminology” in conversations about racism and equity. The definitions are supplemented by helpful and user-friendly resources, including videos.

The glossary is an effort by ISSofBC staff in the anti-racism committee to “kickstart or strengthen” public engagement in eliminating racism.

The United Nations proclaimed the International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination in 1966. Every year, March 21 is recognized as a day where the international community can come together in an effort to eliminate all forms of racial discrimination.

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