
2018 ISSofBC Multilingual Outcomes Survey

If you have accessed ISSofBC services in 2018, we want to hear from you! ISSofBC is asking for your participation in a 10-minute survey about your experience with our organization.

This survey covers services provided January 1, 2018 – December 31, 2018.

The information you provide will help ISSofBC review and improve programs and services to meet the needs of newcomers to Canada. When answering the survey, please remember there are no right or wrong answers. The survey should take no more than 8-10 minutes to complete and is strictly voluntary. Your answers will remain confidential and will not affect future access to ISSofBC services.

Access the survey in your first language online

Deadline to complete is Friday, March 15.

Questions? Please contact: Kathy Sherrell

Thank you for making this survey a success!

Please note: this survey is not intended for students from LCC.


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