Stories of Learning and Hope

Arash’s Journey: Overcoming Challenges with ISSofBC’s Career Paths

Arash Sharafikhaboushan embarked on his Canadian career journey with aspirations in transportation, overcoming initial challenges with invaluable support from ISSofBC’s Career Paths team. 

The ISSofBC Career Paths program supports newcomers in British Columbia connecting their international experience and skills with job opportunities in Canada. Whether they’re in construction, engineering, technology, or have any other profession, our team is dedicated to making their transition to a Canadian career as easy as possible. 

Our program’s team can assist newcomers with credential evaluations and obtaining BC licenses, regulatory body and association memberships, skills and course funding, job search support, work placement opportunities, connections to BC employers, access to BC mentors, and more. 

“Lin, the ISSofBC Career Paths Career Strategist, has been very supportive, answering all the questions I’ve had along the way. As a newcomer unfamiliar with resume writing, cover letters, and interviews, Lin guided me through the process and helped me (…) Joanne, also part of the Career Paths’ team, helped me a lot in writing a professional resume and pointed out a job opening at TransLink related to my master’s degree in transportation”, notes Arash.  

With limited interview experience in Canada, Arash benefited greatly from a mock interview organized by the Career Paths team. Their collective guidance prepared him effectively for an interview at TransLink, where he successfully secured a position. In addition to career support, Arash attended ISSofBC’s online English classes, finding them immensely beneficial. “I have learned a lot in classes, and I continually learn new things during each session”, Arash mentions. 

Arash’s story underscores the transformative impact of personalized support and education for newcomers.  

The Career Path team has helped me a lot so far and I am sure I will learn more from them in the future. I am hopeful that, with the continued support of the Career Path team, I will get a permanent position related to my master’s degree in the future. (…) I’m so glad that I found a Career path team and they have been helping me from the beginning till now step by step and I really appreciate them all”.  

As the program’s team did with Arash, Career Paths for Skilled Immigrants supports eligible clients to successfully bridge their pre-arrival profession to the BC Labour Market. If you would like, click here to learn more about this opportunity on how Career Paths can assist you with returning to your pre-arrival profession.

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