
CBC mentorship program with ISSofBC wraps up a success

CBC-Radio Canada’s first career mentoring partnership for skilled immigrants came to a close last week with an informal ceremony at CBC’s regional headquarters in Vancouver.

The successful pilot project, which ran from June to November, connected nine mentees from Brazil, Iran, Philippines, and Ukraine with managers and key staff at CBC to learn more about Canadian practices in their professional fields. The project was jointly coordinated by CBC-Radio Canada Human Resources and Career Services at ISSofBC.

The focus of each mentoring relationship was different, since mentors and mentees came from a range of backgrounds in TV, radio, film, marketing, events, HR, project management and finance.

“Mentees asked questions about local work culture and received feedback about their readiness for the Canadian market. Some prepared for interviews. One journalist mentee even shadowed a reporter covering a story,” said Laurie Sing Project Manager for ISSofBC’s Mentoring Connections.

She said a popular question from the mentees was about choosing the best career options. This often led to an analysis of skills, strengths and passions.

“I learned important facts about the profession in Canada and my limitations, but above all my mentor encouraged me to keep improving and fighting for my dreams,” said mentee Carol Corrêa.

Following training sessions delivered by ISSofBC Career Services in May, the first mentorship started in June and the last in September.

Given the success of the pilot, similar mentoring opportunities may be considered in other provinces.

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